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Bird Breeders in California | Birds for Sale in CA

Bird breeders in California have a long history of working with exotic pet birds.

Some of the first bird breeders in the state were imported/export businesses.

There are different types of bird breeders in California, each with its own unique set of skills and knowledge.

Some bird breeders specialize in one type of bird, while others are more generalized.

However, all bird breeders in California share one common goal: to provide a safe and healthy environment for their birds.

If you live in California and are considering a pet bird, get in touch with some of the bird breeders listed below.


✅ Bird Breeders in California (The Listing)

1. Birds Plus

  • Address: 14041 Burbank Blvd, Valley Glen, CA 91401, United States
  • Phone: +1 818-901-1187


2. Canoga Discount Birds

  • Address: 21731 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, CA 91303, United States
  • Phone: +1 818-883-3007


3. Feathered Follies


4. Exotic Birds Unlimited


5. Your Basic Bird


6. Birds & More


Things to Know Before Buying a Pet Bird

Owning a pet bird can be a rewarding experience, but there are some things you should know before buying one. Birds require a lot of attention and care, and they can be expensive to keep.

They also require a lot of space, and most people don’t have the time or resources to provide them.

Here are some things to consider before making that decision:

  • Do you have enough time to spend with a bird? Birds require a lot of attention, and if they’re left alone for too long, they can become stressed or depressed.
  • Can you afford to buy and care for a bird? Birds need a variety of food, toys, and cages, and the costs can add up.

When it comes to choosing a pet, there are a variety of factors to consider. One option is a bird. Before deciding to purchase a pet bird, there are some things you should know.

Birds can be great companions, but they require a lot of time and attention. They need to be fed and given water every day, and they also need plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied. In addition, birds require a lot of space.

Before deciding to purchase a pet bird, it is important to do some research on the different species of birds and determine which type would be best suited for your lifestyle and personality.

Additionally, there are a few things you should know before bringing home your new feathered friend.

Birds require a lot of attention and interaction; if you are not able to spend time with your bird each day, it may not be the right pet for you. Birds also require a lot of space; most need at least a 20” x 20” cage with plenty of toys and perches.

It is important to find out what kind of food and water dishes your bird needs and how often they need to be cleaned.


What Bird Breeds Are Good for First-Time Owners?

Birds can be a great addition to any home, but before you decide to add one to your family, you should do your research and figure out which bird breed is the best for first-time bird owners.

First-time bird owners may feel overwhelmed when trying to decide what type of bird to get. There are many different bird breeds available, each with its own unique personality and needs.

While any bird can be a good pet for the right person, some bird breeds are better suited for first-time owners than others.

Smaller birds, such as parakeets and cockatiels, are a good option for those who are new to bird ownership.

Many types of birds can be good for first-time bird owners.

Some popular choices include:

  • parakeets
  • cockatiels
  • canaries.

These birds are all relatively easy to care for and can be good companions. They are also relatively small, which makes them easier to handle. Other popular bird breeds for first-timers include finches, doves, and lovebirds.

When it comes to bird breeds that are good for first-time bird owners, there are a few popular choices that come to mind.

African Greys, Cockatiels, and Parakeets are all great starter birds because they are relatively easy to care for and tend to be friendly and social.

African Greys are known for their intelligence and ability to mimic sounds, making them one of the most popular bird breeds among pet owners.

They require a lot of attention and interaction, so they may not be the best choice for those who work long hours. Cockatiels are also popular because they are small, quiet, and easy to care for.

They can be taught to do tricks and can be quite playful. Parakeets make good starter birds for children since they are inexpensive and cheerful, but they do require a lot of attention to stay healthy.


How to Keep a Pet Bird Healthy

A pet bird can be a beautiful addition to any home, but it is important to keep them healthy to ensure they live a long and happy life.

There are a few things you can do to keep your bird healthy, including providing a clean environment, feeding them the right food, and making sure they get enough exercise.

Birds need a clean environment in which to live, so it is important to clean their cages regularly.

The first step in keeping a pet bird healthy is to provide it with a proper diet. A diet that consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with a small number of seeds, will ensure that your bird stays healthy.

It is also important to give your bird plenty of water to drink.

Another key to keeping a pet bird healthy is to make sure that its cage is clean.

A pet bird is a joy to have in a home, but it is important to keep them healthy. Birds need a diet that is high in protein and low in fat.

They also need plenty of fresh water and fruits and vegetables. It is important to keep a bird’s cage clean and to check their droppings regularly for signs of illness.

  • The best way to keep your pet bird healthy is to provide a clean, safe environment and to give it a balanced diet.
  • Be sure to clean your bird’s cage regularly with a diluted bleach solution, and change the water and food dishes daily.
  • Make sure your bird has plenty of fresh, clean water to drink, and offer a variety of fruits and vegetables as well as seeds and nuts.
  • Regularly groom your bird’s feathers with a soft brush, and check for signs of illness or injury.
  • Take your bird to the vet for regular checkups, and have them treated immediately if they become ill or injured.



Bird breeders in California are working hard to ensure that the state’s avian population is healthy and diverse. They are constantly innovating new ways to care for birds.

Get in touch with some of the bird breeders listed above and find out more about the birds that they have for sale.


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