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Bird Breeders in Florida | Birds for Sale in FL

Bird breeders in Florida are responsible for the care and breeding of pet birds. They work with a variety of bird species and are knowledgeable about their needs.

Breeding birds can be a challenging and rewarding experience, and Florida bird breeders are some of the best in the business.

If you live in Florida and are thinking about buying a pet bird, get in touch with some of the bird breeders listed below.

We are sure you’ll find a perfect pet bird that suits your personality.


✅ Bird Breeders in Florida (The Listing)

1. Everything Birds


2. Bill’s Birds


3. Avian Addiction


4. Birds Off Broadway


5. Birds On Safari

  • Address: 1290 NW Federal Hwy, Stuart, FL 34994, United States
  • Phone: +1 772-692-0294


6. The Bird Store

  • Address: 2600 S Bumby Ave, Orlando, FL 32806, United States
  • Phone: +1 407-898-8724


7. The Aviary at Cauley Square

  • Address: Cauley Square Historic Village, 22400 Old Dixie Hwy, Miami, FL 33170, United States
  • Phone: +1 305-258-2473
  • Website: https://aviarybirdshop.com/


Which Birds Are Good to Keep as Pets in Florida?

No matter where you live in Florida, there are bird species that can be good pets. For example, in central Florida, the mockingbird is a common pet bird.

These birds are easy to train and can be very friendly. In northern Florida, the Carolina chickadee is a popular pet bird. These small birds are easy to care for and can be taught to sing songs.

Almost any bird can be kept as a pet in Florida, but some birds are better suited for the climate and environment than others.

Small songbirds, such as finches, canaries, and parakeets, are great for people who live in apartments or small homes.

They are easy to care for and can be taught to do tricks. Larger birds, such as parrots, macaws, and toucans, require more space and a diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables.

Birds that are good to keep as pets in Florida include parakeets, cockatiels, canaries, finches, and doves. These birds are all relatively small and easy to care for.

They also require a minimum of space, making them ideal for apartment living. All of these birds are native to Florida and can be found in the wild.

Parakeets and cockatiels are the most popular pet birds in the United States. They are both social animals and enjoy interacting with their owners.

Canaries, finches, and doves are all very quiet birds and make good pets for people who live in close quarters with others.


What is the Cost of Owning a Pet Bird in Florida?

The cost of owning a pet bird in Florida can be expensive. The average cost of a bird is $100, but the cost can range from $10 to $1,000 depending on the bird’s size, type, and age. Bird food, toys, cages, and other supplies also add to the cost of owning a pet bird.

The cost of owning a pet bird in Florida can be expensive, depending on the type of bird you own. For example, a parakeet costs around $15-20 to buy, while a macaw can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

In addition to the purchase price, you will also need to factor in the cost of food, toys, and other supplies.

If you’re thinking about buying a pet bird, you should be aware of the cost of owning one. Birds can be expensive to care for, and the cost of owning a bird can vary depending on the species you choose.

In Florida, the cost of owning a pet bird can range from $10 to $200 per month.

The most common costs associated with owning a bird are food, cage, toys, and veterinary care.

The cost of owning a pet bird in Florida can vary depending on the type of bird, where you purchase it, and the accessories you need.

Most basic necessities, such as a cage, food, and water dishes can cost around $100-$200. Additional costs may include toys, perches, and medical care.

Some birds can be quite expensive, such as macaws or cockatoos, which can cost several hundred dollars. It is important to consider all the associated costs before bringing a bird into your home.


How to Find a Good Bird Breeder in Your Area

Finding a good bird breeder in your area can be a daunting task. There are many breeders to choose from, and not all of them are created equal. Here are some tips to help you find the right breeder for you and your bird.

1. Do your research. Start by reading reviews online and asking around for recommendations.

2. Find breeders who specialize in the type of bird you are interested in.

Finding a reputable bird breeder in your area can be a daunting task. There are many breeders to choose from, and not all of them are reputable. Here are some tips to help you find a good bird breeder in your area.

First, ask people you know for recommendations. Friends, family, and co-workers may have had personal experience with a breeder and can recommend one that they trust.

Second, do your research.

Finding a good breeder can be tricky, but it’s worth the effort. A good breeder will have a wealth of knowledge about the breed of bird you’re interested in and will be able to help you find the perfect bird for your home.

They should also be willing to answer any questions you have about bird care.

There are a few things you can do to find a good bird breeder in your area. One way is to ask your veterinarian or local pet store for referrals. You can also check the American Federation of Aviculture (AFA) website for a list of breeders in your area.

When you’re looking for a breeder, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure the breeder is certified by the AFA.

Second, ask to see the bird’s parents and how they were raised. Third, make sure the breeder has a healthy flock and good breeding stock. Finally, ask lots of questions about diet, housing, and care.

Finding a good bird breeder can be tricky, but if you follow these tips, you’re sure to find one that will meet your needs.



Bird breeders in Florida can provide a wide variety of birds for pet owners. They take pride in their work and are always looking for ways to improve the health and happiness of their birds.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to find the right pet bird through the breeders mentioned above.


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